Andrew Murphie

'"A traveller, who has lost his way, should not ask, Where am I? What he really wants to know is, Where are the other places?"
- Alfred North Whitehead


Fibreculture Journal
delicious / diigo
(my links)
Media Forms Course 2009
Electronic and Digital Aesthetics Course 2008
email me


Dynamic Media Network
(ARC innovation research)
Crossed Signals
(General research)
Granular Ed
(on education and technology)
Adventures in Jutland
(aggregate blog plus)
(blogs I read)




You can access a fair bit of my writing here.

I'm currently working on online publishing and all things open access. I edit (since 2003) the Fibreculture Journal, part of The Open Humanities Press. I'm also a Chief Investigator (with Dr Anna Munster) on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project, 2007-1010: Dynamic Media: innovative social and artistic developments in new media in Australia, Britain, Canada and Scandinavia since 1990. I'm also interested in new forms of collaboration, and new modes of education. I also work with the wonderful Senselab in Montréal and Kolding Design School in Denmark. I'm looking forward to a stint there as guest Professor in December 2009.

More generally, my work is fashionably transdisciplinary,(although I'm actually fond of many tradtional disciplines and think we need to look after them).

Media, Social Impacts, Arts
* technology and digital /networked media
* media philosophy and sociology
* electronic arts, music and design—from electronic music to Human-Computer Interaction
* performance, film and the visual arts
* data visualization and the social

Minds, Models and Society
* social impact of models and practices of mind, from cybernetics to neuroscience
* theories of embodied, extended, generally post-connectionist and postructuralist models of perception and thinking processes

Cultural Theory
* Guattari and Deleuze (and others, such as Whitehead and Stengers- I'm not quite a card carrying "deleuzean")
* the virtual in philosophy, social theory, politics and theories of thinking processes
* biophilosophy and biopolitics

Education and Research Methods
* open access publishing and education
* education and techology
* network literacies
* new forms of collaboration

Critical Politics of Organization
* critical approaches to innovation and/vs invention
* audit and performance management and their social impacts;
* new forms of organization
* the production of subjectivity, in relation to contemporary social and political issues such as global warming

In the past, I've worked as a marketing manager and production manager for arts companies, and as a freelance theatre director (which has included work on productions of Samuel Beckett's shorter plays and Heiner Muller's Hamlet-Machine). I have some training in Shiatsu, with interests in meditation and Buddhism. Although I now I sit in front of the computer rather too much of the time. I sometimes pretend to be an amateur VJ, as VJ Comfy. One day I will design this site properly.


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This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. 

"I thought I had reached port; but I seemed to be cast back again into the open sea"
(Deleuze and Guattari, after Leibniz)